Good read, thanks!

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If you can get SQL to work, then other things are possible. Like looking at component features and forecasting the impacts on results, then notifying management about the most significant trends and what their outcome might be. Or similar accuracy around text data might lead to other insights about how customers respond to actions the company takes, product performance, how people work, etc. We can score sentiment analysis now, but what about more complex feedback like comparing actual communication between employees against some desired state or model? The agent model is the most exciting because you can throw an army of AI at a task, each with specialized skills, and maybe get more complex answers than you were expecting. Then multiply them far beyond your capacity to hire real people and have them analyze mountains of data far more frequently than your staff would be able to. Maybe that's science fiction right now, but LLMs have only been out there for about a year and look at the progress they have made.

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